The Vet and Rehab Center of Cape Elizabeth

207 Ocean House Road
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107



Home Exercise Programs


walking dog

The Certified Canine Rehab Professionals (CCRP’s) of Veterinary and Rehab Center of Cape Elizabeth will use the findings of their rehab evaluations in order to create a unique, individualized exercise program that our rehab clients may perform on their pets at home with minimal equipment.  We utilize a state of the art software program developed by Physiotec,  which allows us to provide videos, photos, line drawings and written instructions for our clients to ensure that they have adequate information to utilize their programs effectively.  The exercise program will be modified according to their pet’s condition and needs. Exercises may be made more difficult when progress has been made, or, in some cases, made less difficult.

 The home exercise programs can address issues such as: lameness, weakness, limited joint motion, soft tissue restriction, coordination and balance deficits, difficulty transitioning from recumbent, seated and standing positions, as well as stair use.

 Individualized home exercise programs will be emailed or sent via text message to our rehab clients for reference, and are updated as needed to ensure that their pet makes as much progress as possible for their particular diagnosis.